Microsoft mobiliserer mot Nader

For å bedre sin image har Microsoft sendt et rundskriv til Microsoft Solution Providers i USA med forslag om tre forskjellige tiltak de bør gjennomføre.

Eirik Rossen
7. nov. 1997 - 18:20

Sirkulæret er sendt til medlemmer av foreningen AMSP - Association of Microsoft Solution Providers - som samler "MSP"-ene i USA. En MSP er en utvikler som spesialiserer seg på løsninger innen Windows NT og Windows 95, og som har valgt å sertifisere seg hos Microsoft med alle de fordelene det gir. Det er rundt 10.000 MSP-er verden over, og mange av dem har satset sin framtid på Microsoft-plattformen.

Sirkulæret viser til alle angrepene Microsoft utsettes for, og nevner spesielt "Appraising Microsoft"-konferansen til forbrukeradvokat Ralph Nader og søksmålet fra USAs Justisdepartement. Det heter videre:

"AMSP er alvorlig bekymret om den negative PR og de potensielle skadene dette kan påføre Microsoft, og virkningen dette kan få for deg og din virksomhet. Vi ønsker å gjøre alt vi kan for å støtte Microsofts stilling i bransjen og deres arbeid i å legge standardene i markedet for PC-programvare. Som fellesskap for tredjeparts profesjonelle viet Microsoft-plattformen, ønsker vi å heve røsten for å skape så mye positiv PR som mulig, lokalt, overfor kongressen og overfor Justisdepartementet."

AMSP anbefaler at MSP-ene skriver til Ralph Nader, til sin kongressrepresentant for å be om at vedkommende støtter Microsoft, til Justisdepartementet og til den lokale pressen. Kopier skal sendes til AMSP og til nettstedet Objectivity Technology Forum. Dette siste beskrives som "nøytralt" - selv om det tar standpunkt mot Ralph Nader på hjemmesiden.

Sirkulæret ber MSP-ene bruke og begrunne følgende argumenter:

  • MSP-er bidrar med uavhengige synspunkter
  • Nettleseren er en forbedring ("enhancement") av operativsystemet
  • Justisdepartementet bør ikke hindre Microsoft fra å utvikle integrerte produkter
  • Konkurrenter til Microsoft er enige i at nettleseren er en del av operativsystemet
  • USAs økonomi tjener på Microsofts bidrag til programvarebransjen
  • Microsoft bygger på standarder og er åpen med tanke på informasjon
  • Suksess bør ikke straffes

Sirkulæret er spredd på diskusjonslisten til Nader-konferansen, som man kan abonnere på via konferansens nettsted.

Her følger sirkulæret i sin helhet:

Dear Microsoft Certified Solution Provider:

You're probably aware of the criticism Microsoft has come under from both the Justice Department as well as from Ralph Nader regarding Microsoft's position within the PC industry and what Nader calls unfair business practices regarding Microsoft.

Nader is holding an "Appraising Microsoft and its Global Strategy" conference in Washington DC Nov. 13/14 to bring attention to and rally support for his stance against Microsoft. The AMSP is seriously concerned about the negative PR and potentially damaging impact that this will bring upon Microsoft and the impact this could have on you and your business. We want to do all that we can to support the Microsoft position in the industry and their work on setting standards in the PC software market. As the community of third party professionals dedicated to the Microsoft platform of products, we want to speak up loudly to create as much positive PR as we can both locally within each of your locations and with your congressman as well as with the DOJ. We can do this by sharing our views through the appropriate influence and media channels.

Below are three things we are asking of each AMSP member. Please send a letter to Mr. Nader and copy your local congressional representatives and the AMSP office at . If you have the time and can take the extra step to communicate through each channel listed below, our voices will be heard by more people.

We have included the letter from the AMSP in response to the form letter posted on and key message points that you can use in drafting your own thoughts on your letterhead.

NOTE: If your mail client does not accept attachments, please visit the AMSP web site at ( to obtain copies of the attached Word documents.

Highlights from the AMSP letter include:

* Solution providers provide an independent viewpoint

* The browser is an enhancement to the OS

* DOJ should not restrict MS from developing integrated products

* Competitors agree that the browser is a part of the operating system

* The US economy benefits from MS contributions to the software industry

* MS is standards based and open with its information

* Do not punish success

1. Send a letter to Ralph Nader:

* Ralph Nader PO Box 19312 Washington, DC 20036 email to Ralph Nader at

2. Send a copy of your letter to:

* your local congressman asking for his support of Microsoft in this issue. To locate your local congressman check:

* This is an independent Web site at generating views on these and other issues in the industry.

* the AMSP business office at this fax #: 972-988-1125 or email We are collecting these letters for our representative to deliver in bulk as a voice from AMSP at the Nader conference this month.

3. Send a letter to the editor of your local daily newspaper.

* If you need contact information for your local newspaper, e-mail and we will send them to you.

This is an extremely important issue to both AMSP and Microsoft and one where we as a professional association can take a stance and make our voice heard. Please take the time to forward this message to every member of your chapter asking for their help in supporting the Microsoft position within the industry. Encourage your members to send letters to the DOJ, Nader, their congressman, the editors of their local paper and to the AMSP office immediately. Our AMSP Board representative will be leaving for Washington next Wednesday and we need all letters in his hand before then.

For more information on the Nader conference, visit:; or If you interested in attending the event please send e-mail to and we will send you information about how to join fellow MCSPs at the event.

If you would like more information on AMSP, visit our web site at, or you may contact me directly.

Thank you,

Susan Hanneld,

Executive Director,


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