SAP gambler på år 2000

SAP Norge er så sikre på at SAP R/3 takler overgangen til år 2000, at selskapet tar sjansen på å gi kundene en garanti på dette. Kundene skal igjen kunne bruke denne garantien overfor sine egne handelspartnere.

Jens Kanden
25. sep. 1998 - 16:23

SAP Norge går høyt ut og garanterer overfor SAP R/3-brukere at systemene takler overgangen til år 2000 uten problemer. SAP Norge gjør dette fordi selskapet mener å se en økende tendens til at SAP-kunders handelspartnere forlanger garantier om at SAP-kunder takler år 2000-overgangen.

- Vi tar risikoen med denne garantien fordi systemet er utviklet fra grunnen med utgangspunkt å være år 2000-kompatibel, sier markedssjef hos SAP Norge, Anne Kristin Mehlum, til

SAP håper å få gjennomslag for sitt år 2000-program ved å la kunder bruke en SAP-sikkerhetslogo på fakturaer og kreditnotaer. Fremstøtet er ment å gi SAP-kunder et markedsfortrinn ved at de kan skryte overfor handelspartnere at de er trygge i forhold til år 2000-problemer.

Programmet lanseres i Norge kommende uke.

Følgende er garantien som SAP gir sinde kunder:

Year 2000 Compliance of SAP R/3

SAP R/3 has been designed to be year 2000 compliant. All versions of R/3 for which SAP is contractually required to provide maintenance services under its general terms and conditions are, and in future will be, as long as any contractual obligation to provide maintenance for such versions exists, Year 2000 Compliant.

Year 2000 Compliant shall mean the ability of R/3 to perform, in accordance with the documentation, the following functions:

· consistently handle date information before, during, and after January 1, 2000, including but not limited to accepting date input, providing date output, and processing dates;

· function before, during and after January 1, 2000, without the need of any changes in the programs because of the advent of the new century;

· store and provide output of date information in ways that are unambiguous as to century.

Any defects in R/3 with regard to Year 2000 Compliance which are related to the handling of date information as described above will be corrected by SAP according to SAP's terms and conditions applicable for software maintenance.

However, SAP cannot be responsible for errors resulting from third-party systems or devices which directly access the database and overwrite SAP date fields or from the improper integration of non-Year 2000 Compliant systems.

SAP's general terms and conditions apply for any warranty and liability issues arising in connection with this Year 2000 Compliance of SAP R/3.

Gerhard Oswald
Member of the Executive Board of SAP AG


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